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Saturday, 11 August 2012

My Flight Notes

ADF - Basic Flight Screening Programme 2012 Tamworth

1.       Taxiing & Take-off

2.       Straight & Level Flight

3.       Effect of Flaps

4.       Climbing, Descending & Leveling off (clearing turns)

5.       Climbing Turns (15 degree)

6.       Medium Turns (30 degree)

7.       Steep Turns (60 degree)

8.       Wingovers (nose-high & nose-low)

9.       Clean Stalls

10.   Unusual Attitude Recoveries (nose-high & low)

11.   Incipient Spins (with UA recovery)

12.   Loops (on a line feature)

13.   Circuits w/ Base Turns

·         Never use brakes against power/throttle except when checking and handing over brakes

·         “Taking over (wiggle stick), brakes checked, handing over brakes...taking over brakes”

·         Stop at hold points awaiting clearance from tower

·         “Clearing Base and Final” check before rolling onto runway

·         Line up on centreline

·         No faster than fast walking pace in the lines

Take-off & Departure

·         Lower half flap (increases lift)

·         Increase to full power (3 seconds), prop leads using thumb

·         Apply RHD-Rudder to counter power increase yaw to right.

·         Wait for 60 knots and rotate (back stick)

·         Nose on Horizon attitude only to ensure stall is avoided (56 knots ½ flap)

·         Wait for 75 Knots and 100 feet height then, up flap.

·         At 90 KIAS: Nose up to Rivets/Horizon attitude (Climb Attitude)

·         LOOKOUT & Turn for Training Area (Tamworth)

·         Level at 2,500 feet unless otherwise instructed


·         Anticipate level-off by 30 feet

·         Drop attitude to Half/Half

·         Wait for 110 KIAS

·         Reduce Throttle to 23” & Prop to 2600 – CRUISE SETTING


·         Conduct thorough LOOKOUT

·         Raise Attitude to Rivets on Horizon (CLIMB ATTITUDE)

·         Increase to FULL POWER, Prop first using thumb

·         Level at instructed height, S & L Attitude


·         Conduct thorough LOOKOUT

·         Lower Attitude to Locking Handle on Horizon

·         Decrease Throttle to 15” MAP and 2600 Prop

·         Anticipate level-off by 30 feet

·         Set Cruise Attitude (Half/Half)

·         WAIT for 110 KIAS

·         Increase Throttle to 23” MAP


·         When climbing, conduct clearing turns to the right every 2000 feet (4000 & 6000M@ Tamworth)

·         LOOKOUT- Ending in direction of turn

·         “Clearing Left, Front, Above & Right”

·         15 degree AoB turn to right for 30 degrees heading change (compass)

·         “Clear Ahead” – Lookout and turn back 30 degrees to left

Steep Turns:

·         Lookout – “Clearing Left, Front, Above, Right AND BEHIND

·         Choose feature on horizon & note compass heading

·         Commence bank in direction of turn using Ailerons

·         At 45 degree AoB set full power incl prop (thumb lead)

·         Wait for nose to drop then apply solid back stick to hold nose and altitude

·         Hold back stick as rotating 360 degrees

·         Find feature and roll out to Straight & Level attitude

·         Set pwr back to 23” and 2600

Wing Overs: Nose Low

·         Choose line feature perpendicular to line of travel

·         Lookout “Clearing....

·         Wait till line feature is under wing leading edge

·         Pitch nose high till feet on horizon, then roll to > 90 degrees AoB

·         Allow nose to sink below horizon

·         Locate line feature

·         Level wings and line up on line feature

·         Attitude: Locking handle on horizon


·         Nose low wingover on line feature (lookout)

·         Lookout “Clear above”

·         Allow acceleration to 147 KIAS some LHD rudder)

·         Pull back/pitch nose up till 4G on meter

·         Hold stick in place completely straight

·         Look out to wing to ensure you are level

·         Look for horizon thru canopy

·         Level off on horizon


·         Wingover to RHD

·         Wingover to LHD (nose low)

·         Raise nose to climb attitude

·         Reduce power to 15” throttle

·         Hold nose up and wait for 70 KIAS

·         LHD FULL Rudder then immediate Full back stick

·         First Half roll: Look thru canopy and say “clear below”

·         First full roll: Reduce Throttle to idle

·         Second Full Roll: “Recovering Now”

·         Centralise controls (whit mark on dash & fuses just visible over top of stick)

·         Once spinning stops: Roll & Pitch thru to horizon

·         Set climb attitude

·         Speed below 120KIAS: Throttle to FULL thumb leads prop

Clean Stalls (no flap):

·         Set climb attitude & Throttle to idle

·         Hold nose high attitude

·         Wait for stall symptoms (warning alarm/buffeting)

·         Stall signs: nose drop/sloppy controls/wing drop

·         Stick to central/slightly forward to recover/unstall wings

·         Recover: Set full power (thumb)

·         Climb attitude



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